Horn battle between Leslie S-3K on meeker southern RR vs my K3L


my buddy works for a railroad in washington so we did a horn battle one day to see who’s is louder, hands down the k3



haha thats great. nice vid

oh yea the nathan is louder but the sound of a leslie is unbeatable!

yes, you got me there, leslies produce a more rewarding sound then any K series horn.

Well Jason, when your car is fixed lets see how your horn does against this on the train engine.

sweet video…can ur buddy get free horns?

Im his buddy, and no I cant get free horns. I have to pay for them just like everyone else. The only differance is my horn honking rig is just a tad bigger then other peoples. I blew all my money on horns and now dont have any for my car. Some day I will until then I gota use them on my RR.

hell ya send a set my way lol

k3 wins

We need to do this again someday