horn up grade

only one more piece to aquire to up grade from K3HA to K5HA. scored a K3 bell off ebay today & hondaguy’s sending me his K5 bell soon.just need the K5HA mount & I’ll be BLASTING FULL TILT for sure.:smiley:

Nice man

sweet and of course get the pics up when u get it done

awesome… then u can join the k5 club…

Do it!

How much longer till you get the K5 done? I want to hear that thing!

hey matt, as a matter of fact I received my k5 parts yesterday and assembled the horn,had to first clean up the manifold and found that armorall tire and wheel cleaner eats the soot right off along with the pressure wash at the car wash. so after work I will be putting the BIGBOY in. sure hope it fits in the tire well ,as its grown in witdth over the K3.will get the pics and video (first use of the video cam) hopefully can figure out the upload procedure and get on tonight. :smiley:

Is it in yet? Pics? I haven’t checked the other parts of the forum yet, better do that lol

matt , well have to reconfigure my mounting set-up due to the sheer MASSIFNESS of the K5. what I had for the K3 won’t work for the K5.I have the same sparetire set-up as buckmaster who has a toyota tundra.I do have one more option though that may work,that is to reverse the #4 & #5 bells to point aft then the horn should fit bettween the two drop down tire centering brackets in the well otherwise it’s make that bigass plate set-up like his has. :cool:

aww, I want pics of it now! lol

patience Matt ! LOL :smiley: