Hornblasters.com MissBanzai Tunnel Run

As myself and Stinky (Chalkie) promised here is the finished film which I had to trawl through over an hours worth of footage… Hope you enjoy:


Who is Chalkie?

Good vid mate, but the ending is the best bit, me just Biased…lol lol:D

the chorus of horns near the end was funny as is everyone driving on the other side of the road…lol

Cheers Buddy!!!

You know, whilst I was making it, I thought we were quite melodic with our horns…LOL!!

Driving on the wrong side??? I thought you did, LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!


I purposely didn’t say “wrong” side because that wouldn’t be right, no pun intended…:D.

Boy I would have had fun out there.

yes i liked the round the tunnel blast heh. that was pretty cool

Awww cheers hunni… I did not think I’d have enuff air to do it… but we pulled it off!!! :smiley:

That we did, LOL!!

My Siege3’s complimented Stinkypete’s amazing K3 babies…