i have a 5 gallon 4 port tank thats barley used, a viair 150 psi comp. it works great but it looks rough, so this is only for those hiding it out of site. i bought it used from hornblasters like that, and have barley used it. and shockers (4 bells) that work find but need to be cleaned, because 2 bells takes an extra seecond or to to kick in. hornblasters told me they would replace them if i brought them in (there warehouse is just 45 min away from me) but i never took the time, so you could call and have them replaced if you dont wat to clean them. i just got married in sept and was doing fine, loving the horns, then i fell off my longboard and broke my leg and ankle, of which made me loose my job, so these have to go, i will just get more over the summer when im back at work. if you want just the tank and comp. its $220 plus what ever shipping will be, if you want just the horns, it will be 150 (cheap, because you cant just “plug and play”, well, you can. i still use them like they are, but there not quite right) if you want then all togeather its $320 plus the shipping. though if your local and will pick them up from my house, save me the effort of having my wife drive me to the post office, i will nock $20 off what ever you by (if you get both, its still just $20 off. please, these must go, i held of to them as long as possible with high hopes, but the bill are just too much, and i got at least 2 months before i can work, and thats asuming they give me my job back. and of coarse i will give you the hoses if you get both, but we all know that it limits your installation possibilities because there cut to my installation specs. and the sellinoid goes were ever the horns go.
edit: pm’s may take me a while, your better off eather txting me at 813-967-4970, or emailing me at gibson_es125t@yahoo.com. i will check my pms every 2 or 3 days so if your not in a hurry its fine to pm. but i have computer problems so i cant say for sure i will check that often.
imho i suggest doing all 3 to make sure i get the message, sound stupid. but like i said, im in a hurry and would love to get your message a.s.a.p. and my email and txt go to my blackberry so i will get it instantly.