How old is Joo?

My dad will be 61 in August if that helps you any :p.

Damn Dan, no wonder I call you “Uncle”… does it hurt being old?
Just kidding Unk!!


It helps a little…lol

I guess I’m pretty lucky because I don’t experience any pain yet but the knees get a little stiff if I stand in one place too long like having to continually stir something that’s cooking so it doesn’t clump together. I know people younger than me that deal with back pain, arthritis, etc…

So remember to show a little respect to your elders because you’ll get there sooner than you think.


My dad is a construction worker, so lack of lunch breaks cause Diabetes. He’s had two 12" rods, a spacer, and twelve screws in his back, a hip replacement, and dual bypass open heart surgery, and a stint in the past five years.

I’d say you have fared pretty well.

after hearing about your dad, I feel blessed!!!

17 here

22 here until May 17th

Good, you’re only as old as you feel ;).

bump for the new members weve had recently

Bump from where? Wasn’t it still on page 1? :stuck_out_tongue:

not sure what u mean…i brought this up for some of the new members to take a look at it…

49 - will be 50 in December. Before any of you “youngsters” call me over-the-hill, I can still bench press over 300 lbs. and run wind sprints several times a week, now that the weather is decent.

Having said that, I went over the hill so long ago I forget what what the hell it looked like.


did u vote lol …its shows 0% for ur age catagory

Cart before the horse… voted AFTER I posted. Never do things the way I’m supposed to …

17 here… 18 the day before christmas

17 gunna be 18 on april 21st.