I smell a bullshitter

Nick, check out LSHlights.net they are very cheap. and pay a couple extra bucks for the Whelen Products. they will make you very happy.

Nope 200 down the drain.

how did u send him the money?

Okie dokies Farmerehsan… I’ll post it up on the forum elsewhere and not jack this thread:o;)…(doing it now)

Check. and he gave me a tracking number. it was an empty box.

This is a perfect thread for April fools day…lol

haha. dans comment wins. and sorry about your luck. I have no respect for a lying piece of sh** such as HBTX.

so call ur bank and tell em what happened…cant they do something?

edit: and why the hell would u send someone a check u really dont know

That’s why paypal can be good. You could have filed a claim if the item never came through.

That really does suck…

Because he said he knew matt and a few other people.

did u talk to matt?
