Installed the 100w pa(hornblasters) on my explorer

Well just finished the install and it went very smooth and man this thing is loud! It sort of makes me nervous to play around with it here over in the city aka chicago lol. Sounds identical to the squads, and meat wagons:D My main question is how much of the elements can the PA handle.I got a car wash today and put a bag over the speaker to see how wet it got and it had a little water on it, will it ruin it? its not much and its under my hood. any thoughts on this would be great. just want to know what they can handle thanks everyone.

i have my HB PA speaker right behind my grille. I wouldnt worry about it getting wet

Nice thanks ya was just worried a little but very nice product very loud. Hope to purchase the k3la’s in a week or 2.

k3’s and a 100w sounds like perfect! ahhhh im jealous i want the 100w.
will you have any vids?

Ya I definately am going to get some video. But I was having a hard time uploading a pic so we will see how it goes,

They should have sound clips for these PA on HB or here. They look like alot of fun! Somebody should post some videos soon.

my vid is on the site

sweet! i going to have to get one

nice xlt85 i wudd
like to get one may
come in handy lol

buy the way xlt
how the weather
over thare i am having blizerd over
hear lots of snow
berr lol.

hahahaha I like that vid!!! and the end bit…“Hornblasters dot coooooom. baurp baurp” lol lol lol :smiley:

hay super stinky
sir havent seen
you around the
forums latey how
you ben