Is my new K5LA correct?

yes sir

Thank you

ohh so they don’t have the raised lettering. I kinda assumed it did but cool! Do you know if the numbers on the back caps are wide font or narrow font? Im guessing narrow font.

Scroll down and you’ll see two pics that will show which one is which

The numbers are narrow font on the back caps.

I’m excited to get it set up and hear it too. It looks great and I like that it’s the non raised letter bells it seems they are the older horns. I will post pictures and put up a video of how it sounds. The guy at has been very helpful I recommend them if anyone is looking for a horn.

Yup they are very good, the owner is Luke Jackson I have dealt with them before if you call him he has been very helpful in the past. If your into horns more for what they are and history move on over to the horn and whistle board much more informative and helpful people if you don’t have a real train horn or are a hornblaster you will be ostrasized personally IDC you do what you want my k5la’s are under my truck on individual mounts that should say enough. I use them as needed and BC they sound great.

Hello all… Interesting how certain searches on the interweb lead you to other interesting places! I have a set of new K5LA’s purchased in a moment of madness a few years ago on Ebay. They are brilliant, and I’ve annoyed many a local and train driver with them… Having found this thread, I too am now asking the same question… My K5LA has raised numbers on each bell. 1 thru to 5, but there are no A’s on any of the bells… The reason I picked up on it is because Im making a new manafold so I can fit them between the chassis rails on my Land Rover!!! Time to have some fun in a few derelict stations here in South Australia!! :wink:

Check your 3 and 4 bell sometime airchime does not always put them in the same places it’s an “A” stamped in not a raised letter. If they are painted it could have been filled in because it is not always the best marking. But your horns are sometime from 2004+ if you are 100% sure there are no “A” in the 3 and 4 bell then you have a K5L which is Canadian

Brilliant thanks. I’ll go have a closer look tonight. They’ve never been painted, so if its there I’ll find it. Guessing the sound difference between a K5L and a K5LA would b quite different. Cheers.

You can always take the backcaps off and compare to the picture I posted above. It’s pretty obvious once you’re looking at it.

Cheers, yeah. Spotted those. Have listened to some sound clips on here, and am pretty sure they’re the Canadian ones… Will confirm with youre pics before I go looking for a pair of ‘a’ bells! :slight_smile:

I love the fact you know sooooooooooo much about the K series Horns in particular!
I must have a look at the markings on my K5’s.