is this man serious??

yea. I tell them: 1.)To quit tailgating me 2.) Don’t cut me off and 3.) get off the PHONE! lol

misuse?? their not drugs…lol
theres no wrong way to misuse them… either u honk them…or stare at them on a shelf…lol

Or you cause people to lose their hearing… Train horns really can damage hearing permanently and when people honk them around other people without their permission, that is misuse and selfish.

its not selfish its funny as hell

eh it depends on how far away they are. how long you toot them and what hz they are tuned to. but I guess they could with the right variables

when have u ever heard of someone completly losing their hearing due to a train horn blast?

Dont worry, Ill wait…lol
Theres no scientific evidence…

You guess they could? Is that why Nathan’s maintenance bulletins tell workers servicing the horns to wear hearing protection anywhere around the horns? I actually heard that a real locomotive horn can damage hearing up to 50 feet away.

Yes I can believe that, but for the brief second that I honk and we are talking like 3 seconds tops ( just for the jump) I do not see how much hearing loss can be done, and its not like its a continuous thing. For instance It wont happen to them all the time.

lmao… way to misquote me there. I didn’t say completely lose their hearing, I said PERMANENTLY DAMAGE. Once you lose ANY hearing, it’s impossible to regain.

Oh and I’m actually in Nursing School. Here’s a bit of info for you guys from one of my textbooks. Keep in mind that most horns are 114 DB+ at 100 feet. If you’re 50 feet away, it will be alot more than that! Here’s some information about Noised Induced Hearing Loss: “Sources of noise that can cause NIHL include motorcycles, firecrackers, and small firearms, all emitting sounds from 120 to 150 decibels. Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. The louder the sound, the shorter the time period before NIHL can occur.

Oh and just to cover my butt, that’s a severe form of hearing damage, that’s not talking about normal hearing damage.

yea soo unless we blast the same person over and over and over again then its fine…
otherwise ud have to complain about firetrucks, motorcycles, loud donkey cars, every 4th of july and new years…

It all depends on hz. You can listen to louder sounds easier if they are at a lower hz, for instance a bass note on a sub at 25 hz is not nearly as loud as it is at 60hz even if it is at the same dB rating. But the horns on the other hand are at a higher hz level so they could cause some. As I stated before they really wouldn’t be around the noise all the time so they should be fine in the long run.

Yeah except those are all examples of needed and legal loud sounds.

even tho its legal and needed those sounds can still damage someones hearing permanetly

hell working near road ways everyday can cause hearing loss.mine are damaged from working around jet a/c for 20 yrs in the navy so a 1 sec bump of my k3 isn’t shizit to me.:smiley:

I know it doesn’t matter to you guys but what about people that it does bother? That’s all I’m getting at. You are subjecting people to something they have a right not to hear. I’m guessing that is why it is illegal.

honda guy, may I ask if you ever use your horns & if so where and when? you need to lighten up a bit cause your seriously acting like a law enforcement officer to me.:eek:

pssshhhh I don’t know if its illegal. ive never been pulled over for it. lol :smiley:

No, I’m not a law enforcement officer. I use my horns by permission or far away from anyone. Most of the time they sit in my room on a shelf. I just like my hobby and don’t want to have a bad rep because some people abuse them. That’s all. Sorry if I offended anyone. Maybe I should stick to my other forum.

na its cool. use them however you want they are your horns lol