JL Audio 500/1 slash series amp

I have a JL Audio 500 watt Slash series sub amp with a blown transistor. I have the transistor to fix the amp but I dont want to pay to have it fixed. I payed $450 for this amp six months ago. Ill take $75 OBO and you can have the $5 part to take it and have it fixed. This amp still has all the serial numbers and everything on it. This is not stolen whats so ever. I will even except a trade of something to do with horns or something worth more and ill pay the cash difference. What ya got ???

Warranty won’t cover it?

I tried but I have to pay for shipping to california and back. I would have to wait like three months for it to be returned and I really do not want that headache. So I just payed for the part and figured I would sell the amp to make some money back quicker.

Can you get a pic of it with a piece of paper that says your username and the date. Just for the rules…



^ Thanks man

Yah twist no problem.