K5LA Install started

Got my K5LA yesterday…man is it HUGE…All of the pictures of a K5LA on this forum and under install gallery at HornBlasters do not do this horn justice, I never imagined it to be so big. Its a beast!!

Here is Bixby1980 in my driveway straining to hold it up for pictures.
Note: I think he had to go change his shorts shortly after these pics

Now that’s a horn.

lmao he looks tired

lmao he looks tired

He delivered mail all day prior to this…lol…

did he deliver the horns too?

did he deliver the horns too?

LOL…No, knowing him, they would have “fell off the truck” so to speak…lol…

haha knowing him, he probably would kept them for himself!!

what horns?!?!

haha knowing him, he probably would kept them for himself!!

what horns?!?!

LOL…I am not saying nothing…he will chime in on this one…LOL…:smiley:

I wouldnt do somthing like that. :smiley:
Some of us dont get to take naps after work we have to get over right after work to get the job done. It was alot of fun though. Would install them again tom. Ill have to get some pics of mine on here. Maybe tom when we are finishing the last little touches on Bucks bahemaths