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Talk about a limp-wristed bedwetter…


I dont know what you all are talking about. my setup is epic… lol

Pictures of my n3 okay whats your email so i can get to you offline

When did you get all of that stuff?
You’ve come a long way in the past year! I remember sending you a 380c and a 5 gallon tank but wow man, huge progress! Bro, get me some photos of this F150 so I can put them up on the site, I would love to show the world how you’re holdin it down in Corpus!

Of course matt i will get pics to you asap. Have to get someone to take the pictures for me, seeing how im about 8,236 miles away from home, but mostly some of this stuff is the new nathan airchime horns me and chris are trying out. You know exactly what im talking about. Dont worry i still got the 5 gallon tank and 380c with black 4 piece on the trailblazer. About to install a k5lla on my humvee here in korea.

Hornblasters, could we see a picture of the Nathan N-3?Thanks

fo sho what is your email address

why not just post them up on the board?

Because it’s a M3

Im telling you its not a m3…me and good friend produce look-alike nathan airchime horns…exact replicas of nathan airchime products without anylogos

Well if that’s not illegal, I don’t know what is. I’m pretty sure Mr. Swanson has a patent on his horn designs… That’s some pretty serious fines there. And your replica has old paint on it?

And please don’t insult me by telling me that I do not know my horns. I know an M3 when I see it and that’s what was in the pic that you sent me…




haha. someone told a lie

lmfao perfect!


only 20 built in 1949? and you have one… k

LOL@ that pic!

Well, I’m not about to preach about what someone should or should not be doing in a situation like this. But there is a reason why people undergo the effort and expense to have a product or design patented or trademarked. Building a knock-off for one’s own personal use is one thing. Building and selling them to others for profit is another, … legally it’s called infringement. If the holder of the patent/trademark catches wind of it, you may find yourself in need of the service of an attorney.