Mickie Dees

america is crazy like that XD

you could sue… since all that time the manager stood in front, he was limiting your freedom! that’s like slavery!

Better to leave well enough alone, but i think you could have persued the issued with an employee tossing something at your personal vehicle. You know d@mn well that if you tossed something at their window they would have called the cops.

Hahahahahaha thats funny as fek!!! I had a run in at McD’s the other week, Got told to move into a waiting bay & they would bring the food out to my car… 12mins passed and I started to get a bit irritated…especilally as my mate went thro the drive thro 2 mins after me, and he had the same order as me… When the guy strolled out with my food and did not even bother to say sorry for the wait, I blasted him with a load of verbal and as he walked away all smug and jus smiling at me… I rolled slowly up behind him and let a full tank of air off!!! He ran!!! pmsl…

Virginia is also an open carry state, Fire a ice tea at me and get .45 hollow point back.

Your all crazy!!! driving round with a .45 under your seat, all thats under mine, is a lump of chewing gum, an empty fag packet & tissue!


Dont ask!!! :D:D :wink:

open carry is stupid. Well, atleast in public. Did you know that if people were freakin out about you OC’ing even if it was legal, the cops could charge you with disturbing the peace and arrest you?
I wish we could OC in our cars here in Florida.
I’m also a member of defensivecarry.com <-- pretty cool website. Check it out!!!

P.S please don’t take this as argumentative. Just IMO.

Phreaky… I just been reading that site!!! Thats so weird poop!!.. Their all nutters over here and if we were allowed to OC, we’d end up killing each other!!! ha ha ha

If we were allowed to OC, I bet the crime rate would drop dramatically just from the fear of not knowing who you’re messing with.

It cant be right tho surely to OC… I know we watch the cowboy & indian films where someone gets shot dead and its just like an everyday occurance… but it aint like that in reality…

I know if I OC’d I’d end up shooting myself in the foot!

Funny you say that, In Italy were I also grew up, you are required to do 2yrs national service. As you said above after your finish no knows what you actually did so hence the low crime rate over there. Unless your in the Mafia!!!

hell ya i love scaring the f*ckers at mcdonalds i just do it after i get all my food lol

I doubt we would see a dual in the streets like those days but it sure would make people think twice about attacking someone.

Government thinks that outlawing guns will get them out of the hands of criminals. Nothing could be further from the truth.

im in fl, i always have my glock .45 in my truck

Thats just krazy sh*t!!!.. I just cant imagine life with guns over here!!! Like I said early, I could get nicked for just having a BB gun… saying that tho, mine sits beside my bed!!! I use it to shoot ghosts in my room!!!