Missing Header image

What’s been going on with the images on the forum. I’ve got some odd sizing happening plus the header seems to have disappeared. Seems to show across different platforms and browsers.

Anyone else seeing similar issues?

Haha yup same problem here. like all the icon are images that arn’t showing up

Guess the server admin is hibernating over the winter :). It’s like a ghost town over here at the moment.

Same here. Sometimes the site doesn’t even load.

Sorry guys. Server update made a lot of changes and we are working on it all. Just may take a few more days.

I think it has to do with the security certificate warning it get.

This forum needs an update, it’s annoying to come here because nothing works right… It’s a shame, this site is awesome :frowning:

I agree it is very frustrating.

It is VERY aggravating to have to guess which broken Jpg to click on. lol!

And I still get a security certificate warning.

Things appear to be improving. I’m still not seeing the avatar images but signatures and the main forum body looks fairly normal again.

You mention avatars, now they are working! :smiley:

Everything looks good here, still unable to use TapaTalk though, oh well…