More stories then a little bit

Wow i dont even know where to begin…

Aight well first story… It was about 2:30am and I just left taco bell and I got back on the road…Well I saw these 2 ladies who looked to be in their 30s and I assume homeless, because they were asleep at the bus stop… I’m guessin they knew each other because they were sleeping shoulder to shoulder… Well this was perfect, I slowly creeped right in front of them, and WAILED on the horn!!.. THEY both JUMPED STRAIGHT UP! Hands Waiving in the air and screaming for bloody help!!! HAHAHA I cried laughing for the next 10mins on that one…

Next story…

I was driving home from work one afternoon… And I could not resist this… There was a little league babeball game going on. The field is soo close to the road, and the people who sit in the bleechers their back face the road…
So as the pitcher was about to pitch, I blasted the horn, SCARED EVERYONE!! the kid thoses a wild ass pitch, and everyone was just starrin at the road like WTF just happened! HAHA

Next Story…

Well this is my line I like to use everytime I see a hot girl… I roll up and ask, are you feeling horny baby!! And of course their disgusted and say no, and I just say well I am! And I blast the horn!! I’ve done this numerous times!! Still always funny!!

Next Story…

This just happened last Saturday btw…

I was around our main college campus. And I am known there big time for my horns… Well I was at an innersection and blasted my horn, scaring a few people… Well i didnt know at the time, but there was a cop across the innersection on the left side… Well I made a right hand turn, and speed away… The cop gets his green lights and comes speedin up… I give a little chase trying to get away before he puts his lights on… Well finally he caught up with me and turn his lights on…

I pull over, and he walks up… and here how the convo went…

Cop: Whats up with the horn on this truck?
Me: I dunno what your talkin about
Cop: You know what I’m talkin bout…
Me: (I hit my stock horn) It quietly goes beep beep…
Cop: Not that horn the other one!
Me: I still have clue what your talkin bout…
Cop: I heard you at the innersection
Me: I heard that too…and I laugh a lil
Cop: (looks around and sees a switch under my steerin wheel) Whats that?
Me: My compressor switch
Cop: Aight well look, we have way too many complaints on this vehicle, don’t blow your horn around here no more, we have your plate number, we know who you are… If we get any more complaints we will get a warrent
Me: uhhhhhhhh… shrugs shoulders… ookay!?!
Cop: Get outta here, drive safe.

Next story…

I’m not sure how many of you do this, but I just gave it a try… I usually go around out college campus and scare people at the same bars, only because their outdoor patio bars right near the road…

Well I’m pretty known for this now, my truck gets noticed by strangers… So i thought I would park somewhere and go into the bar I usually scare… Well I got a few beers and started talkin to regular people at the bar… I ask them if that guy with loud horn has came by tonite…
Peoples response…

Bar Person Num 1: FUCK that dude! I hate that mother fucker! I wanna shoot him in the fuck face! That fuck horn is too fuckin loud and hes an asshole!!

Bar Person Num 2: I hate that asshole! Every time I’m fuckin standing here drinking, I always have my back turned to the road and every fuckin time he scares the shit outta me and I spill my beer!! I wanna toss him outta his truck and beat his fuckin ass!!

Our Waitress: That guy has alot of enemys… this whole bar hates him! My boss hates him too!! I think hes a jerk!

funny stories!!! good stuff there!!

Next Story!!

Wow this one was just too funny not to post!

Me and a friend were in my truck heading to the race track… and were leaving the neighborhood, and we come across this golden retreiver taking a shit in the front yard…
Well you know where its goin on here… I didnt wail on the horn, but I gave a good blast… The dog JUMPED in the air!! and the shit FLEW OUTTA Its ASS!!! HAHA then the dog ran inside…LOL
We laughed for hours about that one!!

That is great, I live in nu joisey where we have 2 many illeagles taco boys… blast a illeagale win a prise.

where at in jersey?

We were rollin in the middle lane and on the right Mr. Big Huge Semi turns his left turn signals on. Well I was pretty sure he’d seen we were just on his left but just in case, I gave him a little “beeeeep beep beep”, just friendly-like, to say “Hey you see me here, right?”

He tooted briefly in reply and, reassured, we sped on by.

Quarter mile later we get off on the exit and rounding the ramp hear, “BEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEP!!” Mr. Semi was saying goodbye! We blasted him back.

My friend says, “Your horns sound better than the semi’s!”

yea when im out with my buddies they like to roll up next to semi and do the honk signal…then get me to blast my horn after his…haha
the semi drivers usually get a kick outta it

UFNTOOL, do you have “Spell Check”?, or is this pig latin?.

haha i didnt wanna say anything…

haha great stories in this thread… i cant wait to get a horn… i made a thread if anyone wants to help me out…

Same here, I cant wait to start honkin’ on my campus.

lol yeah… i go to car shows… so it will be FUN for me… there are about 5 guys with trucks and cars that come there… they always scare the you know what out of me… so it will be fun to return the favor lmao:eek:

im goin to a car show this weekend…im sure to have the loudest horn there… always do…lol

Good ones…