my ride,uk style :D

here the thread some of u have bin waiting for,mostly stinkypete i think lol.
i drive a vauxhal/opel astravan.

heres wot she looks like

and heres my setup,siege engineering horns and jericho 5l airtank+compressor

since then the built in compressor packed up so i got a new tank and compressor and was able to use both tanks together :slight_smile:

the horns mounted

let me know what you guys think :smiley:

ive also got a vid but youtube isnt being nice to me at the mo lol.will get it sorted asap

nice ride! i see PEDOBEAR!

Nice install and nice ride… BTW Welcome to the forums

nice ride and welcome. I like that tank/compressor combo.

Hahahahaha brilliant mate!!! seeing your set up reminds me of my old Seige3’s… I still got the tank and the Horns, I got offered £100 for them the other week, but I cant part with them!!! Not yet…lol thinking about hooking them back up when I get the 5Gallon tank!

Where’d you get the compressor from? Did you import it in from the states as well?

yeah the compressor and the black air tank was a package off ebay store in the states.the ony thing is that the refill time is abit longer but thats what you get for having 2tanks.might upgrade to a 110/145 PSI Pressure Switch aswell soon