Nascars Dale Jr. Has Train Horns on his truck?

Watch the video and find out more HERE

Ah you almost tricked me into going on your forum. Nice try.

Wasn’t trying to trick anybody. That’s where it is. No one has a problem going to Youtube to watch anything. Is there something wrong with my forum? Others seem to like it. Its just another forum. I see a lot of other links to different forums on here other then mine.

LOL! If that was a train horn they honked at the end of the video. I can fart louder then that! LMAO!

Dale Jr. does actually have a horn that was ordered from hornblasters.

i know hahaha that was pretty sad.
im betting they wouldn’t sound it for this vid tho. was this on tv?

Is it an OTR horn?

isnt that truck in the video a production truck? not really dales personal truck? thats what im getting from the video.