Nathan K3HA



DAM!! I wish I had the money! I would have bought that in a heartbeat! Dam.

Let me PM a friend … he might want one.


Wish I could get my friends involved. They all think I’m crazy.

Everyone I know loves my horns but when I try selling them a horn. They call me crazy:D

This is harder to get rid of than I thought it would be…price lowered to $500+shipping for the horn and valve…

where are you?

Tuscaloosa, AL

What would the weight of that horn be and could you send photisl

Horn weighs about 35-40lbs. There is a picture in my first post, but is there something specific you want to see?

horn is sold

the k3 weighs 18lbs.
where did you get 35-40 lbs…

just guessing after not having held one for a few years. I guess they got heavier in my memory.

do you still have the horns?

no, sold them a few months ago