Nathan K6LA - 2011 Silverado

i bought and installed this horn and i looooove it. it is a k6 fitted with 3/4 airline with gw valve, 8 gallon tank now gettin traded for a 12gal. compressors are 444 viair custom distribution block to horns with custom brackets, all powder coated black. tanks and comp. are in the tool box with plenty louvered vents to breath.

Nice n tidy - that’s for sure.

Man thats a really nice set up

thankya, it was a long install (time wise) but well worth it when i finished

Nice & tidy, just a shame you have to hide it away under the truck! :smiley:

Have you got any vids of these beauty’s firing off?

yes it is a shame to hide em but they make up for themselves when they speak, lol, videos yes, i just aint put any up yet

Nice looking set up. Did you use two of the same note bells or did you cut and re-tune any of them?

Love it have same setup