Need a big cmprs for my 30 gal tank.


na dude this kid if definately full of bullshit. i saw his myspace a few days ago and it said chilling with my wife. he clearly is full of poop. first off the joker cant even spell Baghdad. I cant stand a liar. especially one who claims to be at war. thats not something u lie abt. its not that hard to post pics. its as simple as going to and uploading and pasting a code. not rocket science

Since when is knowing the IP address of an account an offense? That’s right - its NOT.

If anything the moron who is using said IP address would be at fault for exposing said TOP SECRET IP address…

Learn your facts, then learn how to spell.

If you have an internet connection, you can connect to Photobucket. You can resize images for free on Photobucket and link with IMG code, also for free. I doubt you’re using a 20 megapixel high end camera if you’re out in the sandbox anyways. There’s nothing top secret about horn photos, and no one is going to send you packing off to the disciplinary barracks…

Last note… How dare you tell someone that they’re “too scared” to serve! Do you know if the person you’re addressing has already served? If so, what makes their tour of duty any more or less important than your own? If you are indeed in the military, you’re doing your part. Make sure you wage war on those diesel engines, will ya’?

and lance comes on as usual with the perfect words =) thanks lance!

How did I ever miss this thread?.. And guys, give the dude a break, Photobucket is extremely hard to understand.

I’ve had maybe 2 pics I wanted to post but they were too big and I didn’t want to bother with photobucket.

please tell me ur kidding

:smiley: I never kid on teh internetz… THIS THREAD DELIVERS

The only thing he’s “serving” his country is corned beef and biscuits for the other guys on base, that’s IF, in fact he’s really there.

I just want to see the 2 50gal tanks in a F150, with 2 XD3000’s strapped to them. Oh, and those 5 K1L bells you said you had, that you stopped responding to me about. And of course, all the other things and pending deals for the other guys who contacted you. No big deal…

The correct spelling btw is “Badgagh”

who dictionary you looking in?

I think he was being sarcastic but if he wasn’t then…:rolleyes:


I could have put some smilies at the end, but yeah, I was just having some fun… :slight_smile:


so after all the reading here, are u guys calling hornblaster_tx a liar

in a nutshell

im an admin on
i jus ran my buddy’s ip thats in afganistan
and it came back with the base he is on.
so hornblaster_tx,ur a dipshit,everyone on this site has posted a pic of their setup and its just so hard for u to do it.even when u were on "leave"recently,u could have posted them,but u didnt cause in all honesty i dont believe u one bit.

this thread is awesome that’s all i gotta say…

Don’t confuse the little guy it’s not his fault in his eyes he really does have nathans…he even has a few on his bike


hahaha thats great