New guy

Hey guys I am new to the site I made a couple posts in other sections but will introdue myelf. My name is David Drummond. I live in Colonial Beach VA basically a one-horse town. I am self employed and do mechanic work at a shop here at my house. I bracket race most weekends if I feel up to it,other wise I just party at the track. I am married with 2 kids. My daily driver for the most part is a 98 explorer with a seige engineering Kong set up running at 200psi… I am about to purchase a new dually and the first upgrade will be a s4 set up but I am going to use 8 trumpets instead of just 4 more on that later. I build/buy and sell alot of muscle and classic cars.I specialize in 1968-74 novas and have plenty of cars and parts for sale. I can be found at MIR in budds creek MD just aobut any friday night. Thats all I know for now feel free to ask any questions!!! Later:)

Welcome to the forum!!

welcome to the forums

Welcome-----ane gu seyo…


welcome to the forums

welcome!! budds creek mx park!! FTW!!


welcome and feel free to ask us questions too because we’re here to help