New... here goes....

Hey everyone. Looking over this forum topic I know I’m going to catch some hell but here goes…

I bought my wife and daughter a 2000 VW New Beetle for Valentine’s day. As we were discussing styling modifications a conflict arose. Wife wanted a Sealed with a Kiss graphic on the car… daughter didn’t. An agreement was reached where the SWAK graphic was OKed by daughter if she could put on a set of Train Air Horns.

The problem is space. We don’t want to mount anything in the passanger compartment. Available (exterior) space is extreamly limited so I’m working with HBs to find something that will work. Don’t want to sacrifice sound nor db but wanting to keep the system under $600.

If ANYONE has or knows someone with a New Beetle AND has a horn mount already maybe you can look at the NB and then utilizing you horn EXPERTISE from your set up give me some ideas. I would be extreamly thankfull as my daughter is on my arse to get some horns :eek: (SWAK graphic is already on the car as you can see)

As I am new to this I’ll be asking A LOT of questions… probably some dumb ones. More then likely I’ll be searching and reading more then posting.


welcome man,btw no question is dumb,theres always a answer somewhere for up more pics of different areas of the car so we can get a idea of the space ur workin with…use photobucket,copy and past the img url and just paste them in a reply and it will make the pics much larger to see it better

Will do. Going to try and get pictures and space dimentions when my daughter gets home from school (at least this will let her know I’m working on the situation. :smiley:

The pictures may be hard as most of the space I have to work with is under accessable only from under the car.

But… I will try… I will try. :wink:

I was looking at the Shocker S4 Train Horn Kit with HornAir 328 3 Gallon Air System. But may go down to the 2 Gallon tank and upgrade the compressor (as it will be mounted “in the weather”). Also the most space I have available is on the firewall behind the exhaust manifold but I have concerns about heat and the components (tank and/or compressor and or pressure switch) (also access to this location is limited and I really don’t want to have to start dropping suspension parts to get up in there)

You’ll see what I mean when I get some pics.

Oh… and thanks for the quick reply.

welcome, and like slo_hatch93 said, “no question is dumb,theres always a answer somewhere for one”, so ask away because everyone here helps everyone else.

^thank u sir

Thanks for the welcome.

Can’t get pictures as I have to get the car up on ramps to get under it.

I’ve got room but it is on the fire wall… about 8" from the exhaust manifold. I’m thinking I could mount either the horns there or the (perferably) tank. My concern is heat from the engine/manifold messing up the components or internal parts).

Other spaces are available but I’d have to start removing body pannels for access… this would also mean that the horns would be individually located and the air line plumbing would be a nightmare.

But… it will come. Really need to get the car up on a lift so I can poke around for space.

Maybe Horn Blasters will donate a kit and install it to show it can be done. :rolleyes: :smiley: BawHahahahah

I ran mine individually. I just had to buy extra hose. I took the bumpers off and zip tied the horns to the back of the crush bars. I did the two little horns up front and the longer ones in the back.

in the corner of the front bumper inside the fender well. thats were one of the 4 conductor horns are in my gurls tiburon. the rest fit in the grill. and the small compressor and tank sit in the trunk

where at in florida?? challenging installs are always fun!!!

welcome to the forums!!

I took the bumpers off and zip tied the horns to the back of the crush bars. I did the two little horns up front and the longer ones in the back.


in the corner of the front bumper inside the fender well. the rest fit in the grill. and the small compressor and tank sit in the trunk

Not to sound like an arse… but we are talking about a VW Beetle. While they have every space y’all have mentioned (with the exception of a trunk) they are not like regular cars/trucks. Those spaces are either already packed with something or so small that nothing in a horn system will fit in them. Keep in mind that the Beetle doesn’t have “frame rails” like most cars/trucks but utilizes a “frame pan”.

I know where I can fit the compressor (I think it will fit from my rough measuements). The Tank and horns are going to be the problem.

where at in florida?? challenging installs are always fun!!!

I’m in Mid Florida, just a tad N/W of Orlando… Mount Dora.

This one will be a challange FO SURE! But it WILL be done. The funny part is that our drive way is about 75 yards from a RR Track (rarely used except for parking train cars) that has a red light 20 yards beyond that. We could sit in our driveway and scare the shite out of people… and no one would expect the cute little black Beetle with a bright red set of lips on it was the villian. :smiley:

yea I understand that its a beetle, well just to give you perspective this is a 2 gallon tank with the hornblasters shocker s4 horns.

I know what it looks like and I know the (measured) sizes. I need to get a kit so I can see if I can fit it in. I won’t know until I have the components and try fitting them into places.

Problem is if I can’t fit them in… I’m stuck with a kit I can’t use. Really can’t affort to drop $500 on something if I can’t use it.

I’m trying to figure out where I’d be able to put components prior to buying.

See if the guys at HBs would let you buy them, and if they don’t fit return them. Either that or fab you up something that is similar in size and see if you can find somewhere for them that way.