New S.O.G.



ok got the s.o.g. explanation but the SLEEP OVER GANG deal sounds a bit on "limp wristage side " if you catch my drift! don’t think I would admitt to having that type of gang! LOL:D:D

Yeah, it conjures images of guys with Hello Kitty sheets & pillows snuggling up together for a sleep over…



i dont know where they got that part from but sog is nice,all the crap is getting kicked out and the nice and cool people are movin in,i have lived here since i was born and have only left the the state once and left country once(bahamas)but im coing to mexico in march(another cruise)its going to be amazing,ill post up a shirt i got that says sog o it and the deffinition

Bro, I’m sure it is. I was just having a little fun, being a jerk.


hell ya all those projects are gettin done with and picnic island is pickin up too