New Tank

well FedEx showed up today. new tank is finally here. i upgraded from a 1.5 gallon to a 3 gallon. ill have pics of it installed tomorrow. im gonna hook up all 6 horns now and add an air line so i can fill up my tires

EDIT: forgot to mention, the new tank is aluminum. it weighs less than half what the steel tank does.

your tank has warts. haha thats a lot of holes

haha ya. i wanted alot so i could add accessories if i wanted to.

nice…what size compressor do you have…

thats a nice tank…how many things are u going to run

Aluminum would scare me… :confused:

right now im running a little 275c Viair compressor. but i will be upgrading to like a 380 soon. ill be running 2 sets of horns and an air line with a chuck to fill up my tires.

why would aluminum scare you??