New Years Party Game

Let me start out by saying, your guests for the party need to plan on stayin’ if there playn’.

We Call This A Who Party
I know this might sound a bit dumb at first but bear with me.

  1. Go out and rent The Grinch That Stole Christmas,(or the new Politicly corrrect version, Happy Merry Honna Quansika)

  2. Give everyone a chance to use the potty and refresh their favorite alcholic beverage of choice.

  3. Watch the movie and everytime they say “Who” you drink.

  4. Try to count them to add a challenge to it.

  5. Pass out. Hence the stayin’ to play part.

Let me know how ya make out.

As a stand by, if it’s not a sausage fest, Naked Twister works too.

I don’t like getting drunk, can I take a hit instead?