New Years Train Horn Honk.

I am planning on watching the ball drop via my Portable Digital TV. But I won’t be in my house :smiley: I will be in my truck down the hill from my house. As soon as the new years ball drops, (and hits 0) I will shout “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” but I wont just give the horns just a meep, I will hold the button down until all 3 gallons 200 Psi runs out. Anyone else planning something similar? I will take a video of it of course and also have my dad record me doing it from the house so you can hear the echo in the valley.

I’m hornless this year so gonna have to revert back to gunpowder.

Same here, no horn, I’ll just make noise any way possible.

I’ll be driving around honking at people. it’s the one time of the year where it’s legal to make noise. :slight_smile: did it last year

I was at my buddies house for the ball drop and i wanted to blast off the horns… He was all against it… until, the neighbor across the street set off fireworks :wink:

Soon after i grabbed my keys and set off the alarm which the shockers are hooked up to. That set the mood for lots of laughs! :slight_smile:

I put a quick tee in my system which allowed me to blow the UP’s, the little Grovers and the 34" bazooka all at the same time…Heard a guy up the hill from me yell “Holy poop”… :stuck_out_tongue:

It was supposed to say “Holy S**t”…lol love language filters…

I used my shockers during new year but not much as dad got a little angry for it being “too loud” lol

I ended up sitting at the back attaching a blow gun to the tank and blowing those teeny cheap plastic air horns with the pressure regulator set at 10psi. any higher and the back cap pops off LOL! but it was fun, I could honk it non stop :smiley:

lol my dad was passed out! And so were my neighbors, he ( My neighbor) came over the next day knocking on my door to borrow a tool, I asked him if he heard my horns the night before but he said he was too wasted. lol

hahhaa!! Sweet!! I made a bunch of people cheer down the hill from me that were having a house party!! Wish I could have gotten it on video because Right after I was finished sounding the horn I stopped my camera. :stuck_out_tongue: