Newbie from cincinnati

Hey all I am from Cincinnati and pick up the shocker 4 kit right from the horn blasters home base in Florida we were on vacation and decide to stop bye and buy my kit right from Matt himself I shur did surprise him lol I put the shocker 4 kit on my 08 scion xb under the back and mounted the compressor were the spare tire was It not that loud in the car itself



thank you i was gunna get on a while back but did not have the horns hook up lol

Welcome, say hi to my cousins in Loveland & Goshen…lol:rolleyes:

i shur will lol i was just in goshen last night lol


im in mansfield if u kno where thats at

i think i been threw there lol

welcome. Cinci is nice place. Ive been there quite a bit.