Got my RS5T today and it sounds GREAT. I traded my P5 and some coin for it. It’s got the original CSX blue on it which makes it that much better! Anyways, enough talking, on to the pics.
niceeee… Get a vid of those bad a$$ in action
I will very soon… need to take a pic of it next to my K3LA so you can see how massive it is!
Their sweet as…
very nice man. looks great
Thanks guys. Honked it a bit ago about 2 miles from my house with my brother on the phone at my house. We heard it over the phone lol… It’s noticeably louder than my K3LA too…
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeett gotta love a rs5t
lets put it on my truck for a while
Who the hell moved this to the rides section? Does this look like a car? I posted it in General Discussion under the Train Horns section. Can it please be moved back to where it belongs?
the your ride section is for pictures of your ride and horns as stated in the forum description =P “Share pictures and videos of your horns and ride!”
It says horns and ride so I thought that was used literally meaning as a combo lol So what’s the other one for? I’m confused…
i’m working on getting tiernan to rename the forum
here’s some size comparison pics that I did earlier for a friend. Thought I’d share them for people who don’t know how massive this thing is…
bring it to me
woooowww thats massive
I’ll try to take a pic of it next to a K3 later this afternoon.
i just got my k3 today and i thoght these were massive… where r u gonna mount ur or are u just adding to teh collection? are u gonna blow them a bit and see the sound?
I’ve blown them alot already and am going to again today. I’m not gonna put them on my car obviously lol (Honda Accord) but I will more than likely put them on my brother’s truck. I’ll try to record a video with my phone till I can find my sound recorder. Here it is next to my K3LA.
haha the k3 is a baby compare to that, deam how long is the longest bell?
“I dont drink pepsi. I just sell coke”… haha thats freaking huge man. congrats on the horns