not a horn story but...

figured you would get a kick out of this. I was driving around at 1 in the morning ( yeah I know its a bit suspicious.) We drove down some windy dirt road for about 20 miles and ended up on a highway headed toward cyucous. As we headed down the highway an SUV off in the distance was parked on the side of the road facing the road with its high beam headlights on. As we were going around a 10 mph turn the suv quickly pulls out and starts tailgating us and turning the headlights on and off. we figured that it was someone pissed off at us and following us like crazy. We get into town and I stop at the stop light (its an intersection that gets onto highway 1) and it changes green, as soon as I am ready to hand my friend who is riding with me my phone to call 911 the SUV thats behind us turns on some nice bright red and blue lights. I pull over and turn off my engine and roll down my window. Two Sheriffs approach my truck and I ask “whats the problem officer?” The sheriff says “We are here to talk to your passenger” they asked him " So do you think cops are number one?" I am sitting clueless in the drivers seat thinking WTF? well what happened was that as we were going around the turn as the headlights were shinning on us my friend fliped the suv a birdy. (Middle finger) I didnt know this until AFTER the cops pulled us over did I get what happened. well the cops just talked with him for a bit and let us on our way. the moral of the story? Don’t flip off random cars at night!! or anytime for that matter!

That was a good lesson, especially here in CA.

yeah. it was. sure he wont be doing that again!

No appologies over your PA?

tbh they had no right turning their headlights on and off, if they wanted to pull you over their should have just turned on the red and blues, right off the bat.

And also Shinning their headlights “head on” (Face to face) with the High Beams on was not really necessary neither. I heard worse stories from my brother in law.

LOL… I woz just thinking the same or that he gave them a cheeky bauuuopppp baurrpp of the horns! lol:D