Obama Protesters Vs Train horn.

I hornblasted some Obama Protesters.


Got waived at. Plus, they were asking for it. :wink:

You got to love political rallies etc… they’re always asking for it as well, like with signs that say “Honk for Senator so & so!”

I got my own chance to capture a quick vid last night. Don’t often get the chance to drive through our tunnels here but we had a Birthday to go to and I had my in-laws in the car; … who can resist, and I just love those echos!:rolleyes: (the bit with the clear audio is from a Galaxy S4 phone, the others are from the dash cam. Man I wish that thing had better audio recording!)

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ZDAx_Zw0huA" frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah there was one guy on the bridge doing the “Trucker Pull” at everyone so well, I had to. Only thing I really wish I have now is a Manual Valve for the horns. Nice Echos, the audio in the second clip was not really that bad.