Old guy back

Just peaking around and coming back from a LONG hiatus. Been going for at least 7 years or more. Getting a new horn on Sunday so I thought I’d introduce myself to everyone here since I’m sure most of the old members are gone. Name’s Matt and I’m a collector more than a scaring people type. Got several horns stashed away and adding a Nathan M3 on Sunday.

Welcome back man!


Welcome back! Some of us old members are still around.

This place has turned into a ghost town.

Glad to see you guys are still around. Well I got the m3 and its in pretty good shape. I’ll update more as I get to fixing her up some

Here’s some pics of the newest horn before cleaning, testing, etc. Got this thing for next to nothing on a facebook classified.

Wow, straight to the dunk tank for that one!


Still here, and still Honkin! :smiley: Sweet horns!