old guy leaning out window waving tyre iron.

Well i was doing my business comming home from shopping and this old guy 50ish (by the looks of it) come out of this side street and drives of slowly i had to brake hard not lock it up but still hard.

So i let 2 short bursts off he then take off like a bat out of hell then slows right down to half the speed limit and waves his tyre iron out the window at me. I keep driving knowing i have a 4wd and a crash cam that recorded his threating action against me. 200m at the road at the next intersection he waves the tyre iron out his window again clear as day.

1st beep that was in anger and i got a good response. so ive played with my my crash cam and im glad to say it recored every thing perfectly. how ever its set up to record in 2min intervials so the whole thing is over 2 shots.

Put up the footage! I wanna see this guy lol I love it when others react, I followed my mate home the other evening in his huge Mercedes Sprinter van, every time there was a group of people on the pavement I tucked in close to his back bumper and hit the Horns, they were all looking and shouting at him!:smiley:

I would love to see that footage :stuck_out_tongue: