Hello. Im new here and I have a problem. I bought these horns off a friend who works at a truck repair shop. He said they were old, $50, sure. Ive had them hooked up to my 2011 Corolla for a little over a year now. They’ve worked fine and were loud as hell. The other day it sounded weird, so I took them apart to find one of the springs broken and lot of rust on both. Im assuming a good cleaning and some new springs will tune them up. I dont know what model they are, just that they are Grover Products. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
select 1607 repair kit.
BTW Your horns are Grover 1601.
Mate, your not as daft as a brush as some think! lol:D
lol! Only reason I know that is because I own a set of those Exact horns myself.
thanks! ill get them right away.
Welcome to the forum.