Pipe choice

you have these small horns?

The shockers? No. I have the horns in my avatar pic. Leslie RS5t’s. But the shockers are nice and loud and extremely durable.


OK… Cant understand you anymore… HOlla

LOL and I used to post on German forums with the dictionary.com translator. I wonder if this is how I looked.

If Shocker will face Radiator. It is not terrible to it for heating from Radiator. Whether the pipe is deformed

All kind time of days!!!
I here the newcomer!
Here has solved преобрести to itself Nathan AirChime K5LA Train Horn
I will buy not the new.
Prompt what loudest of locomotive forges?
I have in the property here such forges
If whom has interested I can make an exchange on K5

какие люди.привет с тиана форума:d

Да вот в России тесно стало решил сюда заглянуть!
Yes here in Russia it became close has decided to glance here!

The radiator should not hurt the pipe. Mine touches a radiator hose.

Pipes will be before a radiator in 4 inches

That will be fine.

I will soon receive shockers.и I will put:D


Has received Shocker two small pipes of the identical size. Correctly?

Has received Shocker two small pipes of the identical size. Correctly?

you should have gotten 4 horns all with different sizes, such as

Sorry for the Huge picture.

To me have sent two small horns the identical.

I would either Call Hornblasters, or email them, or send one of them a Personal Message on the forums. Matt, AcroRigo, or Garrett. They will take care of you, Just tell them you ordered a kit with the shocker horns, and they sent you Two of the identical horn and that you would like to exchange it for the right size horn.

Apprx. I will write to them