Places to get horn installed in NJ?

Too busy with school and work. Any place you guys trust that can do it for me?


Where you at in jersey?

Hey! I’m in Central NJ, by East Brunswick/Rutgers


Oh. Ok I lived in Holmdel / Middletown for while in my apprenticeship. but I’m down south. Hopefully someone else can help.

Hey I actually don’t mind traveling at all. Just need a reliable person who won’t rip me off.

I need someone in NJ too :/.

Anyone available?

You could call around to different audio shops or something. I know the one here in my town does horns, car audio, almost anything.

Shoot me Pm. Train horn installs are part of my full time job.

in cali a place called Al’n’Eds does them. i dunno if they’re out there tho

man this makes me want to fly to jersey and do your both of yall’s installs. lol

I would help you guys out. If I was closer. I’m at the southern end of the state. Do you have everything needed to install or does stuff need to be fabricated?

Well im still waiting on my Horn Air 240 kit to come in the mail. Im concerned I won’t find a place for my compressor and tank.

On my last setup I was able to get my 1 gallon tank with compressor mounted on top of it installed along my frame rail upright. Since this kit doesn’t have the compressor mounted on the tank im concerned I won’t find a place to put the compressor.

Just wanted people to know that my dad installs airhorns at his gas station in NYC for a fair price.

He installed mine 1.5 years ago, and it’s still working well :slight_smile:

You might want to try places that install air suspension. They’re used to installing compressors, tanks, air lines, and solenoid valves.

Like I always say… “If you want the job done, Do it yourself.” But in your case I would try looking through the Yellow Pages and calling places that Install Air Suspension. I had a place install my air system on my truck. I just Installed and wired up the horns. Drove by the place and blasted them and they told me that I was Nuts! lol