Hey guys, I have a Pro-2096 radioshack digital trunking scanner for sale…used it a lot for a while, love to know whats going on around me. but no good mounting spot in my new truck so figured maybe I’d sell it. Looks like brand new, comes with just about everything as new. 9.5/10 condition.
depending on your local area, this can monitor just about all law enfocement, emergency, and county signals around you. also listen to CB, and weather. even the local air traffic control. only thing that can’t be monitored are encripted signals It has to be programmed to listen to full conversations, it’s really not hard with some reading. Or your local radioshack can program it for you area for pretty cheap! Only thing it doesnt come with is an antenna. $5-20 depending on size at your local radioshack or other electronics stores.
They go on ebay for about 250-350+shipping, as the same condition as mine.
$240 shipped.
so much fun to listen around.