Pretty Cool vid

Real life Bike Hero

I wish I had that much time on my hands haha

lol even the handlebars lit up. WAY too much time haha but still pretty cool

I was expecting more stunts, but the kid must have put a lot of time into setting the run up.

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Kill it !!!

Well that’s creative… and time consuming lol

Wow I cant believe it was fake… actually I can, but you completely smashed my hopes of it being real.

lolol i’m sorry it was posted on yahoo’s featured articles a few days ago

I just saw it on break the other day… I had no idea it was fake. those thieving bastards lol

I didnt know. I just saw it on break the other day. I had no idea it was fake. those thieving bastards

its ok twist…lol

haha I havent been on break in a while. I should have seen that it was posted 6 months ago…