Punk on Bicycle

I used paper backs to build my house with k

lmao too funny

Dude Im going to get all of the secrets

ok, was hoping you weren’t doing anything like that…I am on my 1400 in Orange City this week and with all the cell phone idiots I have to deal with…someone blasting me would be a pia that I would have to deal with…

hey just because people use cellphone is no excuse lol

bikers do it to


Cell phone use while driving, regardless of hands free or not, distracts the driver. They need to outlaw their use while driving period and charge an outlandish fine. I still see too many people use them here in CA and it’s easy to spot them because they drive in the fast lane doing 60 MPH with a 10 car gap in front of them.

no they just need to outlaw them from stupid people or infact just stop giving stupid people licenses

i txt and drive… word! come get some…lol

hope you crash lol

no need to hope he’ll crash, it’s inevitable

poop i txt, eat, talk on the phone, listen to radio, stare at hot chicks, and drive aggressively all at the same honkin time! word! lol

you forgot shaving, working out, eating ice cream, and doing cross word puzzels.

I also forgot to add: looking for Osama, voting for president, trying to find Iraq’s WMD, and learning new languages

i also cook, rap, wrap presents, whistle, look for leprechauns, look good gold, go whooooo whoooo, and poop bricks! word


Das only in da mawnin’ !!!

How about picking your nose, scatching your crotch, or readjusting your willy…lol?

im pretty sure i can squeeze those in while im doin everything else… oh ya im usually drunk btw!

And the most important thing, honking my train horn!!!:smiley:

I’d stay away from you but there’s almost no getting away from drunk drivers anywhere today. I just pray I never run into one, or visa versa.