Random Thoughts

Was Spectacular

whys the sky blue?

is it possible to catch a cloud in a net?

if a tree falls in the woods, but no one is there to hear it… does it make a sound?

if you fart and you dont smell it did you actually fart?

why are the foul poles in fare territory for baseball?

Why do the White Sox wear black socks?

because the edge of the pole marks the foul line put that high school education to work brotha

haha i knew that, ive played baseball for 12 years… but its called a “FOUL POLE” not a Fair pole. that was what I was getting at.

do you think the NL should go with the DH or visa versa

na Pitchers should hit

does a penguin have knees?

does a bear (deficate) in the woods?

(not sure if expletives are acceptable)

the forums are censored so if you type in s**t it says poop

well poop, now i know…lol

where else would a bear §hit if not in the woods?

On versions chest

oh Version likes that lol… jp man:D

I bet he does lol

Does Chuck Norris have a third fist in his beard?