Ready to spend the money but no room?

Alright, I’m finally ready to buy a nice train horn, the S4. I’m not sure about compressor and tank yet. I have a bigger problem. After looking at the specs of those train horns, I realized that they are made for trucks, not cars. I drive a 2006 Volkswagen Jetta TDI and them german engineers did not leave any room anywhere outside of the car.
After taking the oil pan protector off I found some space, but limited…
I really would like to get those S4 and see if I’ll be able to mount them, I want to mount all 4 not just one or two. But I don’t want to buy them and find out the same day that they don’t fit.
I also don’t want to settle for less, the louder the better. I want to go big, so I don’t have to upgrade.
I’ve attached some pictures and i would like you to tell me what you think about this and what you would do.

Thank You,

you are going to have to take the bumper off and in the frame rail of the bumper there is room. my friend installed a nathan airchime k3la in there…so there is plenty of room…and you will have to put your air tank and compressor in the trunk…drill a little hole and stick some groomit through the hole…

Yea thats what I did as well for my accord. the two big ones are in the rear, on top of the rear crush bar, and the two smaller ones were up front. one mounted behind the front crush bar, and the smallest in the center facing down. this is my build.'s+honkccord

may be alot of work…but its worth it…goodluck!