relay hook-up

How would you hook up a relay? I have 2 different relays and don’t know which one to do or what wires to use. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Josh

What type of relay do you have?

80-amp two post style:

Thanks guys, i’ll giver a shot tomorrow!

U can also wire it up this way either way is good but ur pressure switch will last a long time with no power going threw it.(its a switch with contacts inside so current going threw it will corrode over time just a little fyi i learned from a tech guy at air-zenith. Have mine wired this way for 3yrs and never had a problem with pressure switches.) Just thought id share this info since someone else showed me.


Try to read before you post…
The schematic you posted is exactly the same as has already been posted (except that it advertises a compressor mfg.)

Good luck with your compressor by the way. They have been plagued with problems since their inception.

:slight_smile: Had my compessor for 3 yrs now and never had any problems with it.
Yes the diagrams are almost the same except the ground goes threw the pressure switch.

Im not trying to bash any brand compressors there all good in my book :smiley:

When using a viair pressure switch how would you hook it up. It has 4 wires coming out of it:

  1. Load
  2. 12v sourse
  3. Negative
  4. Ignition sourse

Thanks for the diagram! explains a lot

Load=goes to the red wire on compressor.
12 volt sourse =goes to ur power wire coming from battery.
Negative=goes to ground (metal in car)
Ignition= goes to a switched ignition or a switch which every way u want to hook it up.