RS5T Install on Z71

Very nice install! Very clean and orderly looking. How hard was it mounting that monster under your truck? I am also very curious how long that 12 gallons lasts with that Leslie. And wheres the video? I want to hear that puppy!:smiley:

Thanks… I still need to vacum the carpet tho. I was really surprised how long the 12 gallons lasts. It does really good and its super loud. My buddy (sobnesmith) built a bracket out of some scrap steel. I’ll try to get a good video this week.

I thought Viair compressors could only handle 5 gallons per compressor. Are they going to be okay for 12?

They are fine for now… I plan on adding another one soon.

How do you honk it easily with the valve backwards? You know you can take the whole plunger assembly out and turn it whichever way you want leaving the val ve body the way it is.

Looks good. Nice n tidy…

So from the rear of the vehicle, how much can you see hanging down?

Looking forward to the video.

I turned it that way on purpose. I use it like this and where the flat part of my hand is provides good leverage for nice tailored blowing. ha

Cant see it at all… Tucked up nice and tight.

Good deal.

Ah okay, gotcha. Nice install by the way!

What is you fill time from 0 - whatever? I forgot which comps you have.

Its efficient at 5 gallons per compressor, but they can definately HANDLE 12 gallons.

I haven’t timed the fill time yet from 0-150 or the refill time. When I get home in a couple of days I will.

Do you have a body lift?

Yea, 2" body and keys.

Why go manuel valve??? Just dont get it

Sweet, any more pics of the truck itself?

Is that the case with any Viair compressor, or only the ones with a higher duty cycle?

I have a 400C… Maybe I can get away having 6-7 gallons.

Manual is the best way for leslies becuase their diaphrams are more sensitive to large BURSTS of air unlkie the K3s which are more forgiving.

Plus, to me, it’s more fun to have some control over your horn.

I can dig that too. Some times I wish I could make it swell. I definately would want to ruin a great instrument such as a leslie, seeing as to how they cost considerable more than a nathan.

Why not go manual… ha… you should hear the difference.