Scares in Luxemburg WI

Went to the trailer races in Luxemburg and wow they were great

Here is the race video starts at around 6:40. If the Intrepid still works next year im getting a boat LOL!

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

And of course heres my exit lol

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

My friend shut the camera off early but the car behind me was honking his little dodge neon horn. He went

I went HONK
he went honk honk honk

It was so funny.

Enjoy the videos.

hahahaha!! I love it!!

Thank you sir!

For what? lol

For something interesting to look at. That trailer race looks like a blast.

When you were leaving with all those people around, I kept thinking ‘oh crap - no escape route’

Ohh your welcome!

Yea the trailer races were awesome, good way to kill my intrepid next year haha

and I was thinking the same thing, I was like wow its a solid block of people!!