scaring railroad workers on tracks

I have to share this story cause to me it was hilarious, today i was in town doin some rat killin and im headin through town at roughly 60 mph and i happen to see guys on the tracks workin, i looked over at the gauge and it read 190psi, lol i said this should get there attention, but before i say anything these guys know they are clear of any railway traffic so they know their safe, until i pass by and give my k6 a good 30lb toot and two guys damn near cartwheel off the tracks and the rest scattered like flies, i laughed so hard know they just had the poop scared out of em and they had been properly introduced to the k6la. :smiley:

Yeah probably not going to get much good feedback on this one…

lol i wouldnt do this

Yeah…I strongly recommend NOT using a train horn near train tracks, especially when there are people working on them. If workers are working on a train that’s stopped on the tracks, the wrong signal could get them injured or killed, as they sometimes use the train’s horn for communication. One of the many reasons I went with the Shockers instead of the K*LA.

Me personally, I would not honk it at rail road workers, but instead, honk it when people are walking on the train tracks really slow. A lot of people around here walk on the train tracks or ride their dirt bikes on the train tracks, Not a smart thing to do, but people do it anyways.

Yeah not funny.

That’s a real Richard move. Take it from a railroad employee. Track workers have close calls all the time. poop like that is not taken lightly.

I said d I c k not richard

Welcome to the forum. The server here automatically changes some expletives.

At times you could be excused for thinking this a baking forum… there’s a heck of a lot of talk about ovens on here :smiley:

Agreed. This not a good thing to do. This kinda thing gives us all a bad name. We don’t want more laws/restrictions/enforcement… RIGHT???

I agree, I never use them around railway workers, as mentioned it could cause injury or get someone killed. Now if it’s clearly only kids trespassing that’s a different story, they deserve to have the poop scared outta them, HOPEFULLY they think twice before doing it again. I have however compared mine side by side with yard engines at work :stuck_out_tongue:

Side story time :stuck_out_tongue:
Just the other day working in the yard I was pulling about 20 auto-racks around a curve and there stands a group of teens, I layed on the horn and full train brake to stop (was only going about 7mph but they were less than 300ft away), man they scattered quick. Was just glad I didn’t hit them. I know many engineers though that have splattered people who trespass though… Doesn’t really make for a good day…