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you have to remember 35 psi in your tank is different than 35 psi in your tires your tire has more volume so takes more to fill it

True version, but Im not gonna go over board with it. The most psi I ever have to put in my tires is around 10 psi, and if I have to fill multiple tires Ill fill one then wait a few minutes for the other one. That way the compresser doesnt over heat.

Yes, good video Lance

I need to winterize this damm tank soon its been freezing over already!


Do you mean like every now and then pour a cap full of anti freeze in the tank?

what exactly do you do?

once a month should be fine… just pour a cap full in, then at the end of the month, drain ur tank, and pour another cap in

I usually drain my tank every day lol. So not draining it for a month wont damage it will it?

Just don’t get any of that stuff inside the compressor, or it won’t be a happy camper and will definitely not be covered under warranty.

He has a 2 gallon tank at 145psi, each hose goes to an individual horn. and The last one I think has a fitting for the hose that fills the tires

And thats not my tank thats Aaron on the forums…