Shocker 240

Hey all, i heard about this forum from a member of DT (DodgeTalk) and thought i’d check it out. I own an '06 CTD and I’m looking at getting the shocker 240 kit with my “return”. If anyone has this kit and would like to give some feedback, tips, pics, that would be GREAT!

Y’all take it easy!!

thats a great kit any of the shocker kits are great. main thing you want to look at in a kit is the compressor and tank size and psi they, that kit has a great compressor, it dose have a smaller tank not the best tank size if your looking to top off your tires but will refill fast for horn blowing! if your looking to use your air source for anything other than horns i would suggest something with a little bigger tank like a 5 gal. tank

and also welcome to the forums!

Welcome. Check out this thread. it may be of some use

welcome to the forums! i personally run the shocker kit on my Cadillac


for a really fast fill & virtually no tank size limit, check out the Oasis XD3000

Thanks for the insight y’all!

I can eventually upgrade the tank itself, right?

yes you can upgrade anything on the kit

Welcome to the Forums. Glad you made it on over. Just let me know when you are ready for that order bud. I have you all taken care of.

Sounds good, it might take a BIT longer. I can’t believe shipping is that much :frowning:

Version 7 let me know of this site, looks like a good one, especially when i get hooked up!!

Version has friends? lol welcome to the forum



Ordered my SHOCKER 240 yesterday!!!


nice u will love those horns! nice truck by da way

Thanks man!

I’m already looking forward to UPGRADING (as usual) :smiley:

kick donkey! your gonna like them

I hope to be able to either make room in my garage or pull it into work on the weekend.

Our bay at work is full of vehicles due to Mt. Redoubt’s high activity (possible eruption)

I came close to being assigned to Elmendorf (EAFB) back in the 70s but ended up in Korat Thailand instead.

i ordered the same set you did and i got mine today not looking forward to installing it. i have no clue where i am going to put the horns. i have a jeep wrangler

Sounds like room will be tight…

You could put 'em on the roof :smiley: :smiley: