shockers moskov

Thanks for the video!
Very nice!

Video will be fast still

for two horns being the same note, it sounds great.

I will order a small horn that was not present at me

lol they all waving you to stop


shockers sound
sweet keep it up

As becomes hot I will start all to put on the car

SHOCKERS RULE!!! Cant wait to get mine running hopefully this weekend:D

hell ya look fwd to
seeing them and hering them super
stinky sir hay not a
bad combo youl have lol:D:D

I have not understood you

Don’t worry I don’t get it either. :stuck_out_tongue:

i wuss just saying between his K3
and S4 shocker he
wudd have a killer
set up :smiley: lol.
and buy the way
i hope yours work
out to.

shockers are cool
train horns lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Help council in

having truble with
your install sir i
think if your mounting them in
your trunk the sound of your horns shud be about the same what psi are
you running ?

Pressure 150

i have seen sum
videos with guys
with thare shockers
mounted in the
trunk and thay sound good stinky
pete is one of them
wean he had his
MR2 you shud
be ok the only thing
i can think of is temparly mount your horns togather
and do sum tests
and see how it sounds to you.