shocking thunders last honking days

well fellas i know
i havent ben on the
forum lately but
just wonted let yall
know that i will
no longer be driving
my 85 f250 ill
be geting my parents car to make
this short i did
a swop with my bro
in law for my 2 10s
for his 2 12s and
got a bandpass delux box so ill
have boom but no
honk but its ok
so keep on honken
for yall;).
peace shocking thunder

buy the way the
deal is i get the
car but i told
my parents i wont
put my horns on it
one no room two
i gona store them
for a wile and put them on a truck
so sum day i will
honk agan.

They can fit. :smiley: what kind of car?

its eather a 95
or 96 ford taurus 1
not bad shape
auto V6 heat air
the works lol ya
the horns will fit
no prob but my 8.5
is too wide for the
trunk its got a big
trunk but my band
pass box will be in
the spot behind the
seat it sitcks out a
littel so its just the

Horns or not you can keep posting. I’ve gotten used to figuring out your posts.

It ain’t over until the fat lady honks, and I ain’t seen no fat ladies with horns.

It’s corny, but it’s 1:00 am.

By the way, what happened to Diesel Sniper?? Haven’t seen any post from him in a long while.

well you know
me 350 ill figer
out sumthing but
in till then the
tank is gona be
my prob oh and
snipers computer
crashd its still

Well, hopefully you’ll get something figured out.
It kills to see a good “opportunity” and not have your horns.

well hay earman
you know me i am
thinking of giving
HB a call and see
about geting a
smaller tank ill figer
it out in the mean
time i am gona work
on my sound sistem
in till then :smiley: