Sick K5LA :-(

So I bought a K5LA on eBay and the person indeed put new diaphrams however the inner workings look like dookie. There is a lot of corrosion on the plate that sits against the diaphragm… is there somewhere that i can find a rebuild kit or is there someone i can send it to to get it redone? If i send it somewhere how much on average does it cost?

Take Pics so we can see what it looks like.

farmer69 may be of some help to you

Just take pics… If it’s the diffuser ring and not the nozzle, it can be cleaned with anything as it’s stainless steel. I prefer a brillow pad and some carb and choke cleaner.

Does farmer69 sandblast the nozzle on his horns?

i think ive seen pics hes posted where he gets every square inch of the horns

Wow how much did u buy it for?

I wonder how smooth the surface of the nozzle stays. If it has the smallest of imperfections in it, it can cause a sound change… i.e. different tuning.

I use glass beads in that area as to not affect any sounds. It takes an awful lot to deform these horns.