Slys K5LLA

3/17/09 UPDATE
Couple of pictures, and heres plans:
-Power windows, both doors shaved (done)
-Rear link (reverse 4 link to possibly a bolt in 5 link)
-locomotive horn valve on dash(done)
-2" drop spindles for the front to lay full frame
-finish bed sidewalls(passenger side welded needs cleaning up)
-redo the cali combo on the rear, truck lays out rear but drags body too much

(Note) BUD LIGHT shifter, 5 speed.

Talk about work, I’m need to clean this up like yesterday!!!

I thought this was one of the best mods. LOL

I’m gonna put this bad boy up for sale for $6,500 OBO, I’m gonna keep building it, its gonna be worth it.

nicee. i like the k5 and the manual valve thats sick!

ima laugh my donkey off if you get a ticket for open container. lol… nice ride… its trucks like your that make me wonder if i should go down instead of trying to go up.

even better when open container has no top for anything…and the fact that I painted it there.

You been markin off too much… That lantern is brand new LoL

you should post like 5 more pics of the shifter…

nice pics

the shifter inspired me, im gonna get a guitar neck and paint it to match my interior, then use it as a shifter… just gotta figure out how to get the shifter off… now you can say your truck is an insperation.

prob just screws off

thats what i thought but it doesnt seem to. the know does but the whole stick dont… it dont pop off eather, and i dont see a bolt or screw…

That lantern is the one I owned when I first joined the RR, I have like 8 of them, and most have custom paint jobs on them.

I like the shifter, its air sealed, the can pressure doesnt not break like all cans would when you crunch them down.

im liking it. looks great man

04/12/09 UPDATED, been sitting around, and played with a couple of ideas, I sat around this weekend; BUD-LIGHT shifter is gone now, 8-ball short shifter is there now, and also I chromed out one of the very many K5LA’s I have, check it out, they are bright in the rain.

damn changing it all the time huh

How about no more pics, but some videos! I wana hear some of those bad boys… do you have any up in the video section by chance?